Chapter Three

The next morning the Raizada family got together to wish the Raizada twins good luck and bid them off.

"Good luck with the factory Bhai," Akash said to Advay as he gave him a bro hug.

"Thanks bro."

"Nanav, enjoy your trip," NK said to Arnav.

"Don't call me that," Arnav scowled and NK gulped.

"Can't you at least be nice and smile before you go," Anjali frowned.

Instead Arnav rolled his eyes and Advay chuckled.

"Di, you know I'm the more jolly one," Advay smirked.

"Jolly is not he word I would use."

Both Arnav and Advay grinned roguishly. They looked to their whole family, Mandani coming up to them. She gave her boys each a kiss on the forehead and gave them her blessings.

"I hope you two succeed in all your work and stay safe," she smiled softly, tears in her eyes.

"Ma, stop crying," Advay said.

"I'm not crying," she replied, her voice shaking.

"Mom, please," Arnav said. "We're not going away forever."

A woman came forward, chuckling. "You know how your mother is."

The twins looked at their Choti Ma, Leela, their mother's sister.

"Oh hush it you," Mandani said. "I'm not crying.

Leela chuckled and wrapped her arms around her sister. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Now get rid of the little pools in your eyes and bid your sons off with their mother's smile in mind."

Mandani rolled her eyes but she knew her little sister was right. So she got rid of her tears and gave her sons a hug. Just then, Anjali, Murli, and Shilpa came, all packed and ready to go.

"Are you sure you want to go on this trip Anjali," Mandani asked.

"Mumma, your son in-law is busy with our son at their daddy-and-me camp. If they can go on vacation, so can I," she frowned.

Mandani chuckled as her husband came and joined them.

"I don't suppose you're mad at me for telling my grandson about that camp, hmm," Mahant asked his daughter.

"At first, yes," Anjali replied. "But camp will be good for Adi. Plus Shyam is always so busy with work and his lawyer nonsense, so this gives them a chance to just have fun."

Mahant nodded and turned to Murli and Shilpa. "I'm depending on you two to take care of Advay."

"Don't worry Kaka," Murli began, "I'll take such good care-"

"We will take good care of bhaiya," Shilpa interjected with a smile, Murli scowling at her.

"Good," Mahant chuckled, and he turned to his sons. He placed a hand on Arnav's shoulder and the other on Advay's.

"I know you two will do me proud," he smiled.

The twins gave a genuine smile and took their father's blessings. It was time for them to start heading out so everyone headed towards the cars.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Everyone looked back and saw Veer running towards them, getting his camera ready. As he got closer to them, he slowed down and pointed the camera at his brothers' faces.

"My twin bros are leaving today," Veer narrated. "One twin will go to Lucknow, the other to Allahabad. How will they survive without the other?"

Arnav and Advay looked at each other before looking back at him. "Shut up."

Veer chuckled and went in between them, holding he camera out to get all three of them in the frame. "Normally these two have always worked together. In fact, I don't think these guys were ever so far apart, right mom?"

"That's true," Mandani said. "This is definitely something new for them."

"Mm hmm... well this is very interesting. I'm kinda mad I can't vlog both of you during your trips."

Advay wrapped his arm around Veer's shoulder. "Well I'm very relieved."

Arnav did the same. "Me too."

"Yeah, yeah, say it now. Watch, once you guys get there and have the experience of a lifetime, you'll regret your words."

The twins rolled their eyes and released their little brother. They each gave him a hug and then turned to each other.

"Best of luck Advay."

"Best of lucky Arnav."

They did their handshake and gave a bro hug, then split to their individual cars. Anjali joined Arnav while Murli and Shilpa joined Advay. Everyone bid their last goodbyes and the cars pulled off, going to their separate destinations.

"Do you think the boys will be okay," Mandani asked her husband.

"I know they will."


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