Chapter Four

Lucknow. The streets were bustling with its people, the air filled with buzzes from talk. And right now, not only was it filled with talk but with shrieking as well.

"Eeeepppp!!!! We're here, we're here! We're actually here!"

Arnav cringed at the shrilling of his sister's voice. "Geez, Di, can you stop? You're killing my ear!"

"I can't help it Chote, I'm just so excited! Ugh, I just wish Shyam and Adi were here, they would have loved it!"

Arnav had to agree. His nephew would have loved to go away on vacation and he knew his brother in-law would have loved some time alone with his sister. But the two were already on a trip of their own, so unfortunately for them, they would not be experiencing Lucknow with them, but would hear about it when they got back.

"Eep! We're here!"

Driving down a long driveway, Arnav pulled up in front of a grand home. It was his grandmother's home, and waiting outside was none other than their Nani.

Anjali came running out and went running over to the elderly woman. "Nani!"

"Oh, how are you my sweet child?"

"I'm good! Gosh, I missed you so much, why don't you come over more often?"

"I could, but who would watch this place?"

"You have more then enough people here to take core of it," Arnav said as he joined them.

"Chote," she smiled, and Arnav gave her a hug. "I'm so glad you're here, that both of you are here. Come on, let's go inside."

Deviyani led her grandchildren inside and the workers came, taking all of their bags. She showed them to their rooms and let them settle down and relax. Arnav took a quick shower and before he headed down to lunch, he sent a quick text to his father and twin, letting them know that they were safe and sound in Lucknow.

Arnav headed to the dining room, finding his Nani and sister already seated.

Anjali frowned at Arnav. "Chote, don't tell me you're going to work already?"

Arnav looked down at the charcoal suit he wore. "Uh, yeah."


"Chote, why not take today off and start working tomorrow," Deviyani said as Arnav sat down.

"I'm fine Nani. Besides, I need to check out the factory site and make sure everything is going well."

"One day off won't hurt you," Anjali frowned.

"One day wasted isn't beneficial."

Anjali rolls her eyes with a huff. "Whatever. I'm on vacation, I'm gonna have fun and I'm gonna do it with Nani. Right Nani?"

"Absolutely," the elderly woman smiled.


Far outside of town, a large structure stood. It was still incomplete, but it was only a matter of time before it was completed. Men worked around it everywhere, everyone working especially hard since word had spread that Arnav Singh Raizada was coming. They all worked hard throughout the day and when lunchtime came, everyone was more than relieved and excited - relieved to finally get a break but excited for the sweets.

"Who wants fresh hot jalebis?"

The workers came running towards the small stand where jalebis were being sold. The owner of it couldn't help but to shake his head, a smile running across his face.

"I will never understand how you do it," he grinned.

Workers waved their money, wanting their jalebis. One of them saw the man and went over to him.

"Excuse me Sir, but isn't this your stand and aren't you Shashi Gupta, owner of Gupta Sweets?"

"That I am," Shashi replied. "Are you new?"

"Um... yeah, I am. How did you know?"

Shashi chuckled. "All the workers here know that this is my stand, but the true owner of it is my daughter, Khushi."

"Hold on you guys, more jalebis are coming, but don't worry, I have enough for all of you," she announced.

Shashi chuckled once more. "My girl has magic in her hands. Her jalebis have everyone asking for more."

"Oh," the worker replied. "Well if that's the case, I better go get some."

The worker went over to get some jalebis, and true to Shasi's words, the jalebis were magic! Shashi went to his daughter's side and helped her out. Before long, the lunchtime rush came to an end, and Khushi was relieved.

"Another amazing rush," Khushi grinned.

"Yes it was," Shashi chuckled. "You were right Khushi - opening a stand here for the workers has been one of the best business decisions ever."

Throughout Lucknow, Shashi had many of his sweets shops. But when word broke of the factory opening, it was Khushi who had come up with the idea of opening a stand nearby. Figuring that there would be many workers that would be needed to build something so large, Khushi had asked AR Industries for permission to let Gupta Sweets be the only ones to cater desserts for the worker to enjoy during their break. She was ecstatic when they were approved, but Shashi was nervous. But with the help of his daughter, and sometimes from his other daughter Payal, their little stand had done them wonders.

Shashi's phone began to ring, so he took the call. "Yes Payal betiyan, how's the store going?"

Khushi looked at her father while he listened to her sister.

"Really? Hmm... I'll send Khushi over to help you out.... okay betiyan, love you too," and he hung up.

"What happened Babuji," Khushi asked.

"We just received a large order for a big event. However the event is tomorrow night."

Khushi smiled softly and hugged her father. "Don't worry Babuji, we'll take care of it. Once I help you get this place-"

"I'll be fine here," he reassured her. "You go get your things and help your sister out."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Now go on."

Khushi nodded and headed over to the trailer they were given to hold their items.

A large order, hmm? I wonder for who?


The second Arnav Singh Raizada arrived to the sight, all the workers were bustling around like crazy. Everyone knew very well of the way both ASRs worked and when it came to Arnav Singh Raizada, there was no room for errors or slip ups whatsoever.

Arnav met with the head contractor, going over the blueprints. They spoke for a while, discussing where they were and how long it would take for the project to complete.

"It's just a matter of time," the contractor smiled.

Arnav simply gave a nod and headed out; he wanted to get a good look of the site. In order to do so, he needed to have a helmet on, so he headed to the trailers where all the supplies were.

Just as he got out from the trailer and was putting his helmet on, Khushi came out from their trailer. She placed her bag over her head and set it on her shoulder. As she walked forward, she dug through her bag, looking for her phone so she could text Payal that she was one her way. Little did she notice the man walking right in front of her, who was too busy looking at his phone. Only when the two bumped into each other did they realize the presence of the other.

Khushi was about to trip forward, when Arnav grabbed her around her waist and pulled her up, colliding her body to his. Khushi looked up at him with wide eyes, staring at the man in the dark aviators.

How unfortunate that a moment like this could not be caught by Veer 😉


  1. Yaayyy. The met finally. I love the detailed way this story is moving, giving importance to character understanding..
    Ok now cant wait for arshi conversion and eye lock(eye sex😂)
    And also chand and dev meeting..

  2. Wonderful update loved it
    So Arnav and Khuhsi meet already waiting for their talk or Nok jhok
    And now it's time for Advay


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